"The Mirror" movie represents reflections, thoughts of the person named here as the Author. He does not appear personally, only his tired voice sounds. And on the screen, as if in a mirror, are pictures of his past. At first, the memories seem scattered: love for the mother, which the Author does not know how to express, a piercing feeling for the father, dissatisfaction with himself for the undeveloped relationship with his son ... Gradually it becomes clear - this is a person’s account of himself, a difficult judgment of conscience, maybe even a sentence. The film occupies a special place in the work of Andrei Tarkovsky. In it, he captured his aged mother Maria Ivanovna Vishnyakova-Tarkovsky, behind the scenes the voice of his father, the poet Arseny Tarkovsky, reciting his wonderful poems sounds. It's a confession film, a revelation film...
IMDb rating: 8,0
Year of production: 1974
Directed by: Andrei Tarkovsky
Writted by: Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Misharin
Music: Artemyev Eduard
Operator: Rerberg Georgy
Production Designer: Nikolai Dvigubsky
Starting: Nikolay Grinko, Yuri Nazarov, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Margarita Terekhova, Oleg Yankovsky, Alla Demidova, Philip Yankovsky, Ignat Daniltsev, Larisa Tarkovskaya, Tamara Ogorodnikova
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