(Kendrick Lamar, Mr. Beast, J. Cole, Kanye West, & many more! )
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0:00 Intro
0:43 "Dumbing Down"
1:30 Bitter Artists (Youtube Rappers, Hopsin)
2:36 The Costs of Making Experimental Music
3:33 Kanye West
4:10 Going Mainstream
4:25 Kendrick Lamar
5:00 Dumbing Down Politics
5:50 Hillary Clinton is a Cornball
6:12 How Trump Won
6:48 "Guy You'd Want to Have a Beer With"
7:21 How Americans Vote
7:34 Dumbing Down Content
8:14 Mr. Beast
8:57 !
9:31 !!
11:46 Why J. Cole Let Nas Down
Thank you for watching!