Suddenly it turned out to continue shorts about animals in the city! In addition to the first shorts about a highly cultured hare, and the second about an insolent fox, today during a bike ride in the city, 100 meters from houses in a park near the highway, we came across a roe deer! She stood frozen, not moving, but I noticed. :) It turns out that the cycle of shorts about Finnish nature is getting continued, and will continue to develop, I feel! Part III. Moreover, after 200 meters, they also noticed a hare in the bushes, literally 5 meters away. He sat and looked at us.
#stalevarchannel #каналсталевар #deer #roedeer #deerinthecity #happylife #косуля #косуливгороде #finland #suomi #финляндия #finnishnature #финскаяприрода