Previously releases under this alias have been fairly freeform and mostly recorded live. For this one I wanted to challenge myself to spend more time on some songs, and really hone in on the feeling I want these pieces to inspire. What is that feeling? Difficult to articulate.. hopeful but sad, frustrated but at peace with it? I struggle to describe it, but maybe that makes sense to you?
Soundwise, i decided to have some reoccurring elements in every track to attempt to make a more cohesive sonic palette. I wanted to pin down some of the generative techniques I enjoy in modular synthesis with something more traditional to create a contrast - I settled on piano. So I guess this is my piano record. (I'm not a pianist so this was challenging!) I also made some polyphonic sampler instruments in Ableton with drones recorded from my modular gear that feature on every track and used some unreleased ZOIA FX patches I made throughout.