A Bit of Security for May 28, 2024
A few years ago, a client in Miami called with a question about their disaster recovery plan. (“Hi, how can I help YOU?” – for Bill Spernow.) He wanted help setting one up. I asked what his timeframe was, and what kind of resources he was expecting to invest in it. He said that he had some money to spend, and a few people he could put on it right away, but his timeframe was somewhat limited as the hurricane was to make landfall in about three hours. I suggested he put all the tapes in the trunk of his car and drive to Orlando.
The question is, when do you plan? Does your enterprise have a culture of planning, or are you purely reactive? It is of course possible to plan too far in advance – to get so disconnected with reality that the intellectual energy is wasted in futile pursuits, which can lead to significant waste of resources. Peter Minuit landed on Manhattan Island on May 4, 1626 and subsequently bought the island from the Lenape for 60 guilders (about $24). However, he did not start building the George Washington Bridge that afternoon. Construction didn’t start till a bit over three hundred years later, in September 1927. Was that too late?
I want you to think about the timeframe you tend to adopt when thinking about strategic planning. The best time to build a strategic plan is before you need it – when you think about acquiring or disposing of some technology, business process, or some of your staff. What are your motivations? Do you assume the changes will be permanent? (They will not.) How are your other business processes, resources, and goals impacted by that change - and over what timeframe? Adrian Monk said, “I don’t mind change, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” In this world, we don’t have that luxury.
The book Competitive Strategy can help you think through the SWAT while the book The Art of the Long View will help you think about the sources of change.
A Bit of Security for May 28, 2024
What can we learn about strategic planning from a disaster recovery exercise? Listen to this -
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