So, my Akai S1000 is just sitting here in front of me, collecting dust. I haven't used it in months and months, mostly due to a lack of time. This machine requires time to be able to use it, but nonetheless, I felt nostalgic listening back to my older tunes, so I decided to finally fire it up. I always make tracks in one go; this is just how I make music. I can't come back to something I have started and haven't finished for another day, as I will most certainly not be able to finish it because I won't be on the same vibe anymore. The problem with this is - due to the other work I do, I have very little time slots to make music for my IJO project. So I started to prepare for the track the night before. I usually start with my breaks, picking up the ones I would like to use, and usually it's the amen break. I never have any clue what I am going to be making. I then open up Reason and play all sorts of melodies and chords that will be used as samples. I use some of the software synths for that. I add cassette textures and other imperfections to make it sound less clean. After I gather all the samples I feel like using, it's going to be like playing with Lego. Prepping took me about an hour or so. The next day I started to work on the track. It took me at least half an hour to sample everything into the sampler and edit and program all the programs. Once it's all done - I start working on my track. I know I am going to have to pick up my son from school in 3 hours, so I have to be quick with my decisions. This is why my music sounds very unpolished and raw. I just don't have time for that, but to be honest, I like that rawness. My programming and production also aren't as complex as they used to be; I try to be as simple as I can. But with my jungle, I believe it works.
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#jungleproduction #drumandbass