they also did an alternate, slightly shorter remix of this track subtitled "Surreal Mix". they seem to have a habit of doing 'dual' mixes like that; they did the same thing with Leftfield, Everything but the Girl, Björk, Spooky, Dreadyouth & Model 500, among others.
original produced by The Groove Technology; vocalists unknown
remix by Karl Hyde & Rick Smith (i'm pretty sure Darren wasn't in the group yet, but feel free to correct me on that note)
#trinity #trinityband #thegroovetechnology #90srnb #rnb #1990spop #90spop #underworld #underworldband #underworldremix #underworldmix #darrenemerson #karlhyde #ricksmith #freur #remixbyunderworld #orbital #bjork #dreadyouth #williamorbit #saintetienne #spooky #davidlynch #underworldmusic #dubnobasswithmyheadman #secondtoughestintheinfants #beaucoupfish #oblivionwithbells #ahundreddaysoff #barking E#underworldbarking #barbarabarbarawefaceashiningfuture #shiningfuture #barbara #underworldbarbara #strawberryhotel #tomato #steppinrazor #steppingrazor #lemoninterupt #eclipse #dirty #underworlddirty #underworldcowgirl #rez #underworldrez #cowgirl #mmmskyscraperiloveyou #underworldskyscraper #telegraph161192 #jamscraper #darkandlong #surfboy #spoonman #tongue #underworldtongue #dirtyepic #dirtyguitar #canyoufeelme #bigmeatshow #riverofbass #motherearth #underworldme #underworldmotherearth #birdstar #concord #underworldconcord #aftersky #dirtyambi #dogmangowoof #spikee #bigmouth #juanita #kiteless #todreamoflove #banstyle #sappyscurry #confusionthewaitress #pearlsgirl #rowla #cherrypie #airtowel #stagger #underworldbug #darblystreet #4crowns #binghere