These planes can be used basically as guides for object creation inside of Fusion 360.
Let’s take a look at some of our options for different kinds of construction planes that we can use inside of Fusion 360.
The first, and simplest, is the offset plane – you can use this to set a guide plane a set distance from an object inside of your model. For example – say you wanted to add a recess in this object a few inches down – you could create your offset plane at that distance, then use it as a sketch plane to sketch your recess.
The second option – plane at angle, allows you to create a plane at an angle to an edge that you select. This can be very helpful for creating objects that intersect with other objects inside of Fusion 360
The tangent plane option allows you to create a plane at a tangent to a curved face. This can be really helpful for adding geometry to a curving surface. By setting a reference plane, you can align your tangent plane with another face – you can use this as a base for your tangent plane, or then adjust this by another number of degrees.
The midplane will find the central plane between two different faces. Note that this will only work on flat faces, but can be used to find the difference from an angle perspective between two planes.
Plane between two edges allows you to create a plane that runs between two straight edges. This can be really helpful when you don’t know the angle that you want your plane to run along, but you do have some reference edges.
Plane between three points works very similarly to plane between two edges, but is a much better fit during times that you don’t have two edges to work with.
Plane tangent to face at point allows you to use a reference point to set the angle of a tangent plane on a curved surface.
Finally – plane along path allows you to create a plane perpendicular to a path. This can be especially useful if you want to create a profile that’s extruded along a path with the sweep tool, and also opens up some interesting options with the loft tool as well.