Last week, Niger made history by becoming the first African government to suspend military cooperation with the world's superpower, the United States. That was something that had never been done before but as we stated in our previous video, the military juntas of the Sahel have unanswered in a new age for African geopolitics. The suspension of military cooperation with the United States means that the U.S. troops, personnel, and its base in Agadez, Niger are no longer welcome. But, it seems the United States is not ready to leave Niger because recent news have revealed that since the news was released, American officials have been having closed door meetings with the military government of Niger to determine if they can still retain some kind of security presence in the country. In simple terms, the United States is now begging Niger to change its mind and allow them to remain in the country.
According to a U.S. official, both sides are exploring ways and conditions under which the American military presence could remain in Niger, and it's very likely that even if they remain their presence would be reduced. So, the question is will the military government of Niger heed the pleas of the United States and allow the US troops and its base to remain in Niger, or will it give an official statement telling them to leave? Right now no one knows until their closed-door meeting ends and an official statement is released. But the point is isn't it interesting that the tables have turned? Just before Niger suspended military cooperation with the United States, U.S. officials walked into Niger with an air of superiority and demanded that if any cooperation is going to continue between the two countries then Niger will have to reconsider its relation with Russia. But, the junta refused to give in, instead defending Niger’s right as a sovereign country to partner with any country including Russia and Iraq whenever it wants. And, now that Niger has suspended its military cooperation with the US, the U.S. has now gotten the message that they no longer have any influence.