Hey all, Jeanne and Sylvia jamming with Error Instruments Liquid Glitcher into Erica Synths VCF1 into Pico Drive (sick acid), Error Drum (hihats), Analog Rytm into Landscape Stereofield (kicks), and Gieskes No Drum into uBurst (50% wet with weird bend metal sounds). Sequenced by Rytm and Modulove A-Ryth-Matik.
00:00 Erster Teil / Intro
06:52 Zeiter Teil
10:40 Dritter Teil
11:57 It‘s Britney, B_tch!
12:30 Vierter Teil
15:24 Fünfter Teil
17:23 Letzter Teil / Doom
#hardcore #liquidglitcher #liveset #elektron #analogrytm #rytm #analogrytmmkii #analogsynth #industrial #acid #techno #performance #sounds #errorinstruments #modulargabber #thunderdome #errordrum #landscapestereofield #gabber #gieskes #nodrum #modulove #ericasynths #polivoks #superbooth24 #superbooth #gabberina