Even though France might argue otherwise, it is a well known fact that France was built with the wealth of Africa. But what is not so well known is the fact that French elections were funded by African leaders. Shocking? It is shocking, especially given the fact that, one, African countries are regarded by France and the West as the poorest countries in the world, and, two, African countries have been receiving developmental aid from France since Independence. In fact, this financial aid constitutes a large part of their budget. However, this shocking secret was revealed by a trusted aide of two former French Presidents, Robert Bourgi in his book, “They know that I know it all- My Life in Francafrique”. The question is “How and Why did African leaders fund French elections and “Why did Robert Bourgi decide to reveal this information now? Let’s find out.
Before Francophone Africa got their Independence, the French government was already financing and building France with proceeds from its colonies. However, France was determined to maintain access to its colonies even when they demanded Independence. This is how francafrique was born. Francafrique is the system created by the French leader, Charles de Gualle. This system was a deal made between De Gualle and African leaders in exchange for their Independence. It involved granting France exclusive access to their raw materials which means allowing French companies such as Orano and Elf Aquitaine exclusive right to exploit their resources and in exchange France would grant them Independence as well as protect the leaders against democracy or coups d’états, and international criticism. France did this to restore its status in the globe after losing it in World War 2.