This song is about being haunted by the three specters of anxiety — the past, the present, & the future. I wrote it for my fellow overthinkers. If “Poetic License” is a story about big dreams, “Three Specters” is about the sleepless nights that come with them, the ones you spend staring at the ceiling & wondering if things will ever change.
I just couldn’t wait for you all to have this song. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you love it.
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving, my friends — I am beyond thankful for you. :)
Connect with Janani!:
Official Website: jananikj.com
Picture by Max Christiansen (IG: @maxtchristiansen)
Video by Janani K. Jha
If you want join the journey, you can follow me here! :)
Grey hairs form a ring around my head,
Don't know how they got there,
Maybe I should dye 'em red
I wonder how people can talk about the past and go to bed,
The space around me fills with specters of what I should’ve said
The past is a presence,
The future is pretend,
And the present is a pastor,
Trying to make it all make sense
Will I ever leave this place,
This world that I am trying to break?
The mind is such a funny space
With all these specters centerstage
I wander through these cities trying to see myself
In reflections, my infection, I find you once again,
In the bed that we made, the things that we craved that always had to end
The past is unfinished,
The future is a friend
‘Cause the present is diminished
By the demons I defend
Will I ever leave this place,
This world that I am trying to break?
The mind is such a funny space
With all these specters centerstage
These ghosts of seasons past
All these fears that everlast
Oh, they haunt me,
Oh, they haunt me
But all they’ve ever known
Is to live and find a home,
All they wanted,
All they wanted
[Janani K. Jha used to go by the artist name J. Maya!]