#africanews #revolution #blackhistory
For centuries, the West has been and remains the most destructive outside actor and the strongest force against swift, independent development and deepening of democracy in the African continent. Even after the countries in the continent had gained their Independence, the West Coast has refused to let go of its influence, preferring to exercise control in every area possible including military, economic, and governance in order to further their interest. This act by the West has made the continent lose valuable time in its pursuit of development, leaving it the poorest and most underdeveloped continent in the world. Interestingly, on the surface, Western influence and hold comes in the form of an intention to help the continent catch up with the rest of the world in terms of growth and development. So, they engage in numerous humanitarian activities across the continent, sending financial aid worth billions of dollars to countries in Africa. However, if you look deeper, this help is only a means of exercising influence and control over the affairs of the continent and its mere peanut compared to what the West extracts from the continent annually.
The African continent is poor and underdeveloped and seemingly has nothing to offer to the West, yet Western countries and the International community have refused to let go. They say Africa is ravaged by disease, poverty, war, and insecurity, yet they refuse to let go. They say Africa is not capable of self-governance and it's filled with unpatriotic leaders who do not care for the people but for their own belly, yet they refuse to let go. The West continues to have this fascination with Africa, always interested in what's happening in the countries on the continent and scheming on how to manipulate the affairs of Africa to suit their interest. The question is why? Why is the West so interested in Africa? Is it a case of love for humanity whereby because the West has more wealth and power, they believe it's their God-given right to help their fellow humans on the other side of the world, achieve this wealth and prosperity? Or, is it something deeper?