Real name: Baburin Artem
Date of birth: 03 June 1989
Main genres: groovy techno, hypnotic techno
Additional genres: Electro, experimental
1) Erik Satie - Gnossienne n°1 (no.name Edit)
2) LDS - Eat Me
3) Dxrvo - Sentimental (Lyric Remix)
4) Morgenstern - Outta Sight (Confusion Remix)
5) Phil Berg - Hazard
6) Nobel Cortex - Danger
7) DJ Prim - Vibrate (Modēm Remix)
8) Playmo - Cyborg
9) Schwefelgelb - Das Ist Wellness
10) West Code - Pleasure And Business
11) no.name - Mori
12) Red Rooms - Sunbeams
13) Maasym - Mokant
14) FORUM - Slippin
15) Uväll - Possession
16) Jack Nolan - Timentes
17) Snakebite_616 - Twist The Knife
18) Alberto Tolo - My cat is broken
19) Fhase 87 - Embargo (S-File Edit)
20) Sam C - Ecto
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FOERDERZONE takes you inside the most creative, most unique sounds of the electronic underground scene. The party will introduce you to Ukrainian DJs who are part of the local nightlife.
We explore the process of defining and prioritizing electronic music, making creative choices, selecting sounds that combine longevity, endlessness, and freedom, and bringing in the intangible elements that make the difference between the simply fun and the fully fantastic.
From Ukraine to the rest of the world, this selected DJs represents a broad cross of underground sounds, techniques and all the chimerical combinations in between, from colossal to cosy. On set after set, discover how DJs and sound designers approach the challenge of creating spaces that keep on dazzling and delighting their crowd long after opening set.
#FOERDERZONE #dj #djremix #electronicmusic #music #hypnotictechno #techno