Starting with the Behringer UB-Xa, this Synth is a modern reimagining of the vintage Oberheim OB-Xa. With its 16-voice polyphony, rich analog sound, and extensive modulation capabilities, it's a force to be reckoned with. From warm pads to ripping basslines, the UB-Xa delivers pure analog magic.
Now, let's talk about the Oberheim OB-1. This classic Synth was revered for its gritty and raw sound. With its dual-oscillator design, it offers a thick and punchy tone that has shaped countless hits. The OB-1 is a true analog beast, perfect for those seeking that vintage character.
In terms of functionality, both synths have their own strengths. The UB-Xa embraces modern features like a powerful sequencer, and extensive connectivity options. On the other hand, the OB-1 focuses on simplicity and pure analog sound. It's all about getting your hands dirty and shaping the sound with precision.
But today’s question is: how is the sound of the VCO’s and VCF on both Synths and how does it compare to each other?
Thanks for joining us on this ultimate analog showdown. If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for more exciting content. Keep exploring the world of synths and until next time, happy music making!
1. 00:00 - Sounds from the Behringer UB-Xa and the Oberheim OB-1
2. 00:23 - Introduction and information about the Behringer UB-Xa and the Oberheim OB1
3. 03:25 - Explaining the VCOs, VCF and Envelopes of the Behringer UB-Xa
4. 07:03 - Explaining the VCOs, VCF and Envelopes of the Oberheim OB-1
5. 09:55 - Sound samples from the Behringer UB-Xa and the Oberheim OB-1
6. 18:35 - My opinion about the sound, conclusion and message to my viewers!
►Behringer UB-Xa:
► Get started with the Behringer 2600 Synth:
► Behringer 2600 Tutorials for Beginners:
► Behringer 2600 Synths and ARP 2600 Videos:
►Live Synth Music Solo Performances by Ralph Baumgartl:
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