The primitive mind, the movement of the body to the rhythm of the drums, around the bonfire, feeling each rhythm and letting yourself be carried away by the hypnosis of the moment. And the future mind, where we project the universe, where we search beyond, where we imagine extraterrestrial lives, where only the future calls us to the uncertain. That is techno, the mixture of the most primitive man, with the most futuristic visions of the same being. This is how we express it and this is how we feel.
*All these patches will be part of my new Patchbook where Moog DFAM and Moog Subharmonicon will be involved.
Moog DFAM Patchbook:
PATREON for digital content about DFAM and Subharmonicon:
BANDCAMP for new releases:
Moog DFAM x2
Moog Subharmonicon
Yamaha SH
Ableton Live for the effects
Focusrite Liquid 56
Panasonic Lumix FZ
Thanks for watching.
#moog #moogdfam #moogsubharmonicon #moogsynthesizers