The great soloists on the drums, could play an amazing "Free Solo" and hold the audience. Buddy Rich would take extended free solos and create some of the greatest moments in drumming history. The term "Free" solo refers to an open solo, not over song form. Also, often times, it can be played in a cadenza (or free time). The art of creating a "deliberate" sounding free solo, is very difficult to achieve. In the 4th module of the soloing Lab, you will learn some paths to creating an interesting and musical "free solo." Also, I discuss and demonstrate the concept of "foreshadowing" moments, rhythms and ideas of a solo.
We cover:
Open drum solos
Developing a deliberate sounding free solo
Foreshadowing solo moments and rhythms
Building a solid soloing concept
Understanding the "Arc" of a solo
Rock soloing ideas and concepts