The music is used from the movie "Master and Margarita" by Vladimir Bortko, 2005.
The text is taken from the novel "The Master and Margarita" of Michael Bulgakov.
Used videos:
1) Kelly Lacy
2) Souzan B
3) John Macdougall
4) Danil_Shostak
5) Oleg Gamulinskiy
6) Dieter_G
7) Zaid Pro
8) Vimeo-Free-Videos
10) Nicolas Boulard
11) Tomislav Jakupec
12) tunnelmotions
13) Kiều Trường
14) Stefania Buzatu
15) Bairyna
16) Enrique Dominguez
17) Lukas Bieri
18) Júlio da Feliz
19) Caelan Kelley
20) Tibor Janosi Mozes