Today's wake 'n break is dedicated to Neil Peart, who passed away from brain cancer yesterday. Although I was never really a Rush fan, everyone and their mother has heard "Tom Sawyer", so I decided to try and come up with a 7/8 groove that voiced the synth part on the bass drum. Taking the bass drum first, we have notes falling on 1, "2&", the "&" of 3, the "&" of 4, the "&" of 5, on 6, and finally on 7 in both bars. Looking at the bell of the ride cymbal next, we have notes falling in unison with the bass drum. Moving along to the snare drum, we have accented notes on 3 and the "&" of 6 in both bars, as well as a ruff that leads into the bass drum on 1. Last but not least, our hi-hat pattern is a two bar phrase with notes falling on 1, 3, 5, and 7 in the first bar and then on 2, 4, and 6 in the final bar. Rest in power, Neil Peart! As always, I hope you dig it and much love!
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