In this video we'll have a look on some of the most fascinating things in geography, the Oxbow lakes.
An oxbow lake is formed naturally when the curves of a river touched eachother and this way the water find a shorter way to flow. The curve than isolate and a lake is formed.
If you want a complete explanation you'll have to watch this video.
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This is an Oxbow Lake. Although it may look like an artificial lake because of its shape, this lake here called Lake Chicot was actually formed naturally, 600 years ago.
You see, rivers tend to bend and form something like a loop, and in this case, the Mississippi river curved until its bends touched each other. The course of the water chose the shortest way and cause this curve here to detach from the river, forming this way an oxbow lake.
Another Oxbow lake example is The Carter Lake which was originally part of the Missouri River. Do you know other Oxbow Lakes ?
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
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