02.co.ag-the shining.infected.the slender man-bjmix- 04:47
03.raffaele du marteau-dreaming of nowhere-bjmix- 18:12
04.vasilisk-pagan ritual-edit.extended- 27:06
05.metatron omega-heirosgamos.coph nia-nothing remains but the initial white light.nathaniel mechaly-jack accident-bjmix- 30:24
06.aseptic void-contagion-bjmix- 38:49
07.aeoga-temple treye-bjmix- 46:42
08.erotomechanic-subo contages-edit- 55:21
09.halo manash-summoning.towards cardinal points.into all world- 1:03:55
10.aeoga-beyond the walls of sleep-bjmix- 1:08:44
11.treha sektori-sahe fernah-extended- 1:21:48
12.co.ag-the vampire lovers-bjmix- 1:27:36
13.halo manash-emanation- 1:30:13
14.blood box-lower realm-extended- 1:34:20
15.co.ag-transcending- 1:45:43
all alterations,(edits,extensions,mixes,photoshop)-bad jonnie
mix-bad jonnie
i do not own any copyrights whatsoever.if i have offended i can only apologize and offer to remove the offence.thank you for your time.