which by some Danish "old Norse" translators believe to be connected to Asathor's carriage, due to thunder happening through Thor's driving through the air. Reiða stands for anger or performing a sacred act.
The Younger Futhark was inspired by the "newly" discovered Thorshammer (Mjølner) in 2014.
The Torshammer, which was the first of its kind with runes, were found in the spring, at Købelev in northwestern Lolland, Denmark.
It simply says, "Hmar x is", which translated into modern Danish means "This is a hammer"
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Lyrics (Danish and Younger Futhark):
Det galmer fra nord
over mørkeblå vande
i mørke aabne dale,
Høres galm og høje Tordenskrald
Mon ej Thor har forladt Asgård
For atter at våge over Midgård.
Med glimt og brag i nattens glød,
glemte vi kulde, blæst og vinternød.
For tordenguden og jættebekæmperens ære
Må vi alle våben bære.
Ankeret løs,
før solen går ned.
Hagall, Maðr, Ár, Ræið
Ís, Sól, Valknutr.
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