Elisa talks about her global childhood and the roundabout way she got into guitar. And her way of rebelling was moving from Italy to Scotland when her parents decided to move to New Zealand (although New Zealand was not their first choice).
Elisa suffered from some pretty intense performance anxiety but kept trying to overcome it by just getting on stage and performing. But that was just making it worse. That’s when she began studying. And studying. And studying. We talk about the assumptions of hypnotherapy; which are accurate and which are not. And why some level of anxiety is actually good. Elisa has put together a comprehensive program to deal with performance anxiety and has even set up a free 45 minute master class that my listeners can take for free at elisadinapoli.com/performanceanxiety! So do that, and browse the website to see what else she offers. Follow her @elyssavulpes on social media. Follow us @PerformanceAnx, buy merch at performanceanx.threadless.com. Feed our coffee habit at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety. And now prepare to have just the right level of Performance Anxiety with Elisa Di Napoli ON Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.