I talk a lot about how important musicality and expression is when playing, but the fact of the matter is that technique is needed to achieve different elements of musicality and expression. Poor technique will prevent you from playing as quickly, cleanly, and expressively as you want to.
In this video I discuss some pretty fundamental errors that are holding many people back. There's nothing really "groundbreaking" here, but fixing the foundation is what's going to allow you to move on to more exciting and interesting things.
Oh, and if you already know all this, then why aren't you practicing???
I'm starting to sketch out videos on musicality, and there's a lot of different things to cover, so let me know if you have any questions in the comments below!
*Note: I recommend some Hanon exercises in this video. I know Hanon and technical exercises are a contested topic in pedagogy, but for the purposes that I am using them for in the video I think that they're very instructional in the sense that they really do help to build the technique that can then be taken into other pieces.
Intro: 0:00
Mistake 1 - Collapsing fingers: 1:00
Mistake 2 - Excessive arm movements: 7:48
Mistake 3 - Improper wrist and arm positioning: 14:07
Hanon (32-35) -
(If link doesn't work just Google imslp Hanon)
Performance analyses:
How to Play Piano:
My keyboard - Yamaha P-125 (affiliate link):
My recording setup:
My keyboard setup:
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