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The Joker and Pennywise clown around in the eighth battle of ERB Season 6! Who won? Who’s next? You decide! Special Thanks as ever to all of our beautiful Patrons. To join our team go to our Patreon page:
Beat Produced by: Epistra Beats
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np & eL
#erb #epicrapbattles #EpicRapBattlesOfHistory #joker #pennywise #insaneclowns #stephenking
Joker: Nice Peter
Pennywise: EpicLLOYD
IG/Twitter: @theepiclloyd
Written by Zach Sherwin, Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, Carter Deems and the many most excellent contributors of our Patreon Writers Crew.
Producer: Atul Singh
Director of Photography: Jon Na
Gaffer: Andy Chinn
Department Make Up Head: Ashlyn McIntyre
Key Makeup and Hair: Brittany White
Makeup and Hair: Brielle McKenna and Maryann Yee
DIT / Playback: Josh Best
Costume Designer and Property Master: Morgan Christensen
Production Assistant: Andy Sandoval
Video Editors: Ross Fearnley, Josh Best, Nice Peter, Javi Sanchez Blanco
VFX and Compositing: Josh Best and Javi Sanchez Blanco
Music Mixed and Mastered by Nice Peter
Directed by Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD
Shot on the Arri Alexa Mini
Edited in Adobe Premiere and After Effects
Recorded and mixed in Pro Tools
KeEp iN TOuch WitH Us OnliNe!