The Ascending is a spiritual song for MahaShivratri. This song is inspired by the Hindu God Shiva - The Destroyer. Although religion does not play any integral part in my existence, I do believe in spiritual energies and meditation. The Ascending was written as part of my album called SHADOWS (the title song is already on Youtube) which I did not release as a whole. This is also a tribute to my grandmother who gave me my spiritual beginning with all the mythological stories she told me as a kid.
I believe religion is a state of mind and the only true religion is humankind. I sincerly hope that humans learn to coexist and not use religion as a tool for division and oppression.
LunarWolf creates original music inspired by alternative, electronic, folk, pop, rock, industrial and other genre of music. Subscribe and explore the sonic world of LunarWolf: youtube.com/LunarWolf?sub_confirmation=1
You can find all my 2021 releases here:
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0:00 Cover
0:03 Tribute to my grandma
0:06 The Ascending begins
2:14 Om Namah Shivaya
4:00 Crescendo
Additional Credits:
🐺 Tom Bark from Pixabay for the Shiva Linga pic
This is the official YouTube channel of LunarWolf Project. I am a genre-free singer/songwriter who experiments a lot with music.This channel contains all official video content including music videos, full album playlist, live show footage and solo song covers by LunarWolf.
LunarWolf project was formed in Oman in 1994 by singer-songwriter Rajeev.
(c) LunarWolf Project. All Rights Reserved