idk why i made this lmao, thought this would be funny to do. Truly one of the BRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO moments of all time why did he say bro like that fr. Well sry for not being able to upload daily I was busy making a video for a school project thingie and I needed to allocate some time to making that so yeah hope you forgive me. Gotta see what kind of memes I can do next since I am kinda milking the british thing again and well I hope I can come up with something else or some other meme trend comes on which I can create or edit in my own way. Maybe some animation agian. About the longer video I probably won't have that much time in the next few week so I would need to consider that
Members: I'm a weeb and I will take back the holy land!, superr
audio by:
song: Dmitri Shostakovich - Waltz No. 2
#shorts , #meme , #memes