Let's hope for some new fills and Prodigy tracks during this winter 2017 UK and European tour. A short remix clip from Glastonbury showing Liam Howlett at his usual best. A lot of people thought Their Law would have been The Prodigy signing off with that final album. But still in 2017, The Prodigy remain strong and Liam Howlett, Keith Flint and Maxim just keep providing the musical goods. Last seen them live in Moscow Москва 2016 and The Prodigy and the Russian crowd were amazing.
Последние видели, что они живут в Москве в 2016 году, а «Продиги» и русская толпа были потрясающими.
"Copyright recordings, music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Take Me To The Hospital / Cooking Vinyl - for original performances by The Prodigy, check-out the official channel at