Most African countries are indeed suffering from bad governance. Since Independence, the majority of the leaders that have taken the helm of leadership in African countries, are those that work to satisfy their interests and the interest of the West at the expense of their citizens. These leaders have plundered and looted public funds that ought to be used for the development of their countries. They are corrupt. They manipulate the Constitution to serve their interest. They rig elections, impose themselves on the citizens, and live lavishly while the masses suffer. These leaders are weak and have no vision to build a great country. In fact, the right words for them are not leaders but thieves who only care about how much public funds they can loot before their tenure expires. Despite this weak and bad leadership that Africa has been plagued with since Independence, does this mean that African countries are not capable of ruling themselves and so need to be recolonized by the West? Is recolonization by the West the only option to build Africa?
Interestingly, some people think that the answer to these two questions is yes. Shocking right? I mean, everybody knows that there are still some facets of neo-colonialism such as how Francophone Africa is required to pay colonial debt to France meanwhile it has to keep 50 percent of its foreign reserve in the French Treasury. However, outright colonialism where Europe and Western countries ruled African countries, directly ended decades ago, with everyone thinking that that chapter of African history had been closed. Certainly, we know that there are still people who are not happy that African countries gained their right to self-governance and wish that colonization continue up to this day because of the massive profit they would gain but to think that someone can come out and openly say that Africans should be recolonized is downright shocking. Please watch this video.