She talks about getting a bit of a late start in the whole “being in a band” thing. She spent most of her twenties going to shows in the DC area instead of performing in shows. But that’s not to say she wasn’t creating. She was recording on her own, figuring, maybe even counting on, no one ever hearing those songs. And no one will because that hard drive is long dead. She had (and still has) some pretty serious performance anxiety. But playing drums while hanging with future bandmate and future ex-husband Levi Fleck, really helped her learn how to handle it. They formed Luna Honey and things have been complicated ever since. There’s being in a band with her ex-huband Levi AND current partner Ben Schurr. There’s delaying their sophomore album to write and record a completely new album with a completely different sound as a favor for an aunt who was dying. There’s the collaborative album they did with Norman Westberg of Swans. And then there’s the new album, Bound. It’s their best and most diverse album to date. It’s simultaneously experimental, haunting, spooky, and catchy. And Maura has some great stories to go with the music. So check them out wherever you get music and follow them @lunahoneymusic. Follow us @performanceanx, subscribe to the podcast, grab merch at performanceanx.threadless.com. Send coffee money at ko-fi.com/performance anxiety. And let’s get over performance anxiety with Maura Pond of Luna Honey on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.