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Video directed by David Fine. Camera by Mario Quintana. Produced by Beau Lewis, David Fine, and Peter Furia. Lighting by Shawn Anderson. Song by Beau-J & Furia. Beat by Steven Van Beathavin. Inspired by Run DMC's "Peter Piper".
Now little intern got a 9-to-5
Arrives on time, cuz it's time to strive.
Makes the john blaze coffee always best fair trade,
All the ladies in recruiting want to see him get paid,
With a stapler and paper, best pound for pound
His bobble-head might bobble but it don't fall down
I got a Hummer v12, drive a beast to work,
bluetoofin in the whip quotin captain kirk,
priceline negotiator, while i'm clingin on,
I do my pirates watchin' Captain Ron.
He's the greenest of the green, with the lowest of the status,
But I'm tryin' to help him climb, cuz you know who his dad is.
High socks, chicken pocks, lookin like J Fox,
name's Chrix, pullin chicks, turtle mocks like Spocks
break beats, windmills, on his agenda
makes the hottest pot of coffee
yo! it's off the Splenda
It goes a one, two, three and...
Hes like Burt Renolds, except hes not.
Every tater that he touches, turns to tots.
He's the greatest of great up in the office late,
Picks up dinner for the ladies, then they pro-create
BBQ chicken - CPK
God damn that intern made my day
Shmoove as shkippy on the shide
He's the shupa integrata
shtick a shammy in the shky
Grand mashta mashpatata
He's dressed for success like Barbazon
Gettin' noticed from his focus on emoticons
Google chat! IM, up in the mix,
He's not wordy, on QWERTY, and his name is Chrix.
Dig his beans like you dig this flow,
And you all want this cup of Joe!
C-C-C-C-Chrix jump up like some jumpin jacks
Rub your back while you work, then ghost ride the fax!
And like all fairy tales end,
Youll see Chrix again my friend!
There it is.