"Amar Akbar Anthony" is a 1977 Indian Hindi-language masala film directed and produced by Manmohan Desai and written by Kader Khan. The film stars Vinod Khanna, Rishi Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan opposite their female leads of Shabana Azmi, Neetu Singh and Parveen Babi, with Nirupa Roy, Pran and Jeevan in supporting roles. The plot focuses on three brothers separated in childhood who are adopted by families of different faiths: Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. They grow up to become respectively a police officer, a qawwali singer, and the proprietor of a bootleg tavern in a poor neighborhood.
Release date - 27 May 1977
The soundtrack album was composed by Laxmikant-Pyarelal and the lyrics were written by Anand Bakshi. The film was released on 27 May 1977 and earned ₹155 million (equivalent to ₹3.7 billion or US$48 million in 2020) at the Indian box office, becoming the highest-grossing Indian film of that year, alongside Dharam Veer and Hum Kisise Kum Naheen.
Religious tolerance became a landmark theme in Bollywood masala films,[5] building on the masala formula pioneered a few years earlier by Nasir Hussain's Yaadon Ki Baaraat (1973). Amar Akbar Anthony also had a lasting impact on pop culture with its catchy songs, quotable one-liners, and the character of Anthony Gonsalves (played by Bachchan). It won several awards at the 25th Filmfare Awards, including Best Actor, Best Music Director and Best Editing. It was later remade in Tamil as Shankar Salim Simon (1978), in Telugu as Ram Robert Rahim (1980), and in Malayalam as John Jaffer Janardhanan (1982). In Pakistan, the film was unofficially remade in Punjabi as Akbar Amar Anthony (1978).
"Амар, Акбар, Антони" (Amar Akbar Anthony) — индийский фильм в жанре масала, снятый в 1977 году режиссёром Манмоханом Десаи. Сюжет рассказывает о трёх братьях, разделённых в детстве и воспитанных в традициях трёх разных религий. Фильм стал крупнейшим блокбастером года и был представлен на Filmfare Awards в нескольких номинациях, в итоге выиграв награды за лучшую мужскую роль, лучшую музыку и лучший монтаж.
В главных ролях: Винод Кханна, Риши Капур, Амитабх Баччан, Шабана Азми и другие
На бедную семью обрушились несчастья. Отец вынужден убегать от бандитов, мать ослепла от болезни и горя. А трое маленьких детей потерялись. У каждого из них судьба сложилась по-разному. Трое юношей встретились еще, не зная, что они братья. В конце концов, семья соединилась, - нашлись отец, мать и все трое братьев.