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Taken from the upcoming full length album from Saevus Finis titled 'Facilis Descensus Averno' coming soon on Transcending Obscurity Records.
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BAND SIGNING ANNOUNCEMENT - Death metal band Saevus Finis from Portugal
We're excited to work with another hidden gem of a band in Saevus Finis, who're playing an elevated form of dark death metal music that's mixed with dissonant elements and bears traces of black metal too. It's suffocatingly heavy but manages to do a whole lot more and remains coherent, pummelling and fascinating. Their debut full length titled 'Facilis Descensus Averno' will be up for preorder next month and you can check out one of the songs from it here -
Band's statement: "Saevus Finis proudly announces signing with Transcending Obscurity, one of the most determined and distinguished Metal labels of our times. The debut album “Facilis Descensus Averno” is composed of unrefined-horrific, atonal Death-Metal that takes inspiration from entities as (Immolation, Krzysztof Penderecki, Morbid Angel, Incantation, Elend, Abigor, György Ligeti, Antaeus, Sarcófago, Hanatarash). The songs deal with themes like; the worst of human nature and the aestheticization of violence, cruelty and death. They see themselves as vessels of liberty, and they have no attachment to the slavery of a human identity. These ten pieces of abominable monstrosity were recorded (old school way) at Dynamix Studio (Lumiar/Lisbon)"
Line up -
Mortvorvm: Chants of torment and mortuary clamours
Sangvis Aestvs: Ripper of bones and flesh
MCMXII: Patterns of bodily destruction
Logo by Christophe Szpajdel
Design by Pedro Mau