Using the new SM HEX attachment - can't call it by it's name but it quietens the toy.
Also useing the MTW from Empire Airsoft. See pinned comment.
Played at Invicta Battlefield Airsoft Woodland site - see pinned comment for their Facebook page where you can hear about upcoming games.
Disappear with this Silent and effective airsoft Loadout.
Filmed at Invicta Battlefield
Cameras used:
Scope cam - Foxeer Legend 4k scope cam
Headcam - Go pro Hero 8 black
Selfie cam - Go pro session 5
Based on a Call of duty: Coldwar ghillie
Airsoft Primary: Wolverine MTW Forged
Ghillie - KMCS Brown crafted + BDU Pencott wildwood trousers crafted
#airsoft #gameplay