Hello To All My Hardcore People & All My Gabbers
GEE thAng Music is HERE!!!
I am so excited to launch my new label #GEEthAngMusic : Hardcore is in such a state today where there are so many different genres, and sometimes it feels like there are new genres being named on a daily basis. I get it; everyone wants their own identity. However, at the end of the day it is all HARDCORE!!! OUR HARDCORE!!! AND IT IS HARDCORE THAT UNITES US ALL!!! Now, I have always been about breaking down walls, pushing the limits, and trying new things. With GEE thAng Music I promise to do just that. For me it has always been about having an open mind. To me, good music is good music no matter what the genre. I will be committed to releasing anything that is good and Hardcore. We will not bow down to authority, no one will dictate to us, we believe in the freedom of the individual to like or love whatever he or she or they want. We will not be kept in a box. There will be something Hardcore for everyone at GEE thAng Music. Send The Word to Your Friends & Family. We Are Alive & We Have Arrived. So, with that message in mind I am proud to announce our first release.
Rob GEE & Chem D
"Welcome To The Land Of Gabber"
Welcome To The Land Of Gabber
No Walls Will Stand In Our Way
Welcome To Gabberland
Listen To What I Say
There Are So Many Different Genres
But I Say Only 1 Hardcore
Brothers & Sisters Unite
Come Together On The Floor
We Love It Hard, We Love It Loud
No Matter What The Core, We Are Proud
Side By Side Here We Stand
Together Forever In Gabberland
#GEEspect #PositivianVibes
~Rob GEE
#GEEthAngMusic #Hardcore #GTM001
Apple Music:
Hardtunes :