Across the storied pages of hip-hop history’s books, chemistry between two individuals has yielded no shortage of greatness. From Eric B and Rakim and DJ Premier and Guru through to Hov and Kanye or even 21 Savage and Metro Boomin today, finding the right groove between a producer and a rapper is akin to striking gold and, as plenty of people have learned over the years, can’t be forced. Likewise, if you’ve found that degree of synergy with one artist or beatmaking wizard behind the boards, there is no guaranteeing that you can repeat the feat.
One pairing that learned this the hard way and had to weather a whole host of criticism that besmirched their respective legacies is Eminem and Rick Rubin.
#eminem #rickrubin #hiphopmadness
Narrated by: Spencer Pearman
Written by: Robert Blair
Edited by: Roman Bill
Music by: Josh Petruccio
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