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Seven @ElixirStringsMedia artists lay down killer licks in one note-filled week. Available individually or as a complete collection.
A typically heroic lick lights the fire for the week! Watch out for the long tapping line on this one.
A dance between the light of melodic and harmonic minor sees Rodrigo lay down a chilled lick for those who love modern neo-soul.
An uplifting lick with a surprising resolution. Brian shows you how to balance melody and shred!
A “barnstormer” from the king of speed. Alternate picking and tapping form the core of this tightly structured solo.
Time to go outside! An example of how to build tension over a static vamp. Lots of notes, so little time.
With a backing taken from his “Hard Rock Masterclass”, Danny focuses on the minor pentatonic for a classic sound.
An alternate take on a section of his classic track, “Lucy”. A heartfelt end to a rollercoaster week of inspiring playing.
#guitar #elixirstrings #jtcguitar