Apple Podcasts:
00:00 Introduction
00:42 The first artist you put on a pedestal?
04:33 Being a lifelong, diehard fan
08:26 Discovering heavy music in Brazil
15:14 Absent of Body, Iggor’s project with Scott Kelly of Neurosis & memorable collaborations
17:32 Jello Biafra cameo on Chaos A.D. & other collaborations
22:44 The Beneath the Remains and Arise playthrough tour
23:17 What were you obsessed with? The resonance of these records
31:42 What do you love the most about each other, what is the most unique?
36:53 When did you first connect music and power? Iggor responds
37:48 Integrating other cultures into percussion
39:44 When did you first connect music and power? Max responds
43:33 Your first show together
45:50 What early song that transforms you and takes you back in time?
50:02 Songs That Changed Your Life
1:02:23 Your Musical Mount Rushmore
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