This is our only shot. Join Ingrid Lindholm on a mission that will take you beyond our world, deep into enemy territory. We must seal the portal from the other side! The uniquely crafted Borsig WT Imposter, pieced together from the remnants of vanquished CORE-tanks, will be your steed. May the portal grant you safe passage. Operation Point Break is now underway in World of Tanks Blitz: good luck on the battlefield!
World of Tanks Blitz is a cross-platform, free-to-play, team-based MMO action game dedicated to fierce tank combat. Available on iOS, macOS, Android, Windows 10, Steam, and Nintendo Switch, the game lets players control over 370 legendary armored vehicles.
World of Tank Blitz is an action-packed tank game that lets players seamlessly enjoy the online real-time action anywhere. Fast paced and accessible, the game puts fun first, mixing the historical and lighthearted, the serious and the fantastic, offering a thrilling arcade-like experience.
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