The Future of Flight: Innovating Toward Net-Zero Travel | FD Engineering
Aerospace Manufacturing: The Most Powerful Machines in the World:
We all know that flying is bad for the climate. Before Corona, according to the Flightracker website, there were almost 200,000 flights every day. Every second, an aircraft took off or landed somewhere in the world. Corona has changed all that. Never before has the entire aviation industry come to a such a standstill. It’s predicted that the industry will not recover until 2022 or 2023.
But does that mean that by 2022 we will again be emitting the same amount of CO2 as before? Even before the crisis we knew that flying had to become greener. Maybe Corona is our chance to rethink. How can we combine environmental protection and our need for mobility? Do we need new aircraft and new aviation fuels – or should we simply fly less? We want to find answers to these questions and ask aircraft manufacturers, scientists and transport experts about the future of aviation.
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