The proposed Railways Division, Jammu- a project which could have been instrumental in bringing a sea change in the economy of the state particularly in Jammu region was put in the backburner mainly due to petty political considerations between Jammu and Udhampur politicians.
A project that was to be announced for its execution in the rail budget presented on Thursday had to be shelved at the eleventh hour because of the political tussle among the politicians belonging to Jammu and Udhampur districts.
The Union Government had made up its mind to create a new Rail Division in the form of Jammu Rail Division by carving it out of Ferozepur Rail Division in the neighbouring state of Punjab, which at present is serving as country's northern most area of its operation.
The idea of creating a Rail Division in Jammu was mooted after the rail connectivity reached beyond Jammu - first upto Udhampur then Srinagar to Baramulla and further from Srinagar to Banihal while it also extended its operation from Udhampur to Katra, however, it was apprehended by the political experts of Jammu province that the materialization of the venture could not see the light of day due to vested interests.