Lyric :
Here comes the fastest firetruck
Its wheels go round and round, round
Vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom
All through the town
Firetruck, firetruck
Let's go and put out the fire
Go go go, go go go
Everything will be all right
Here comes the bravest firetruck
Its fire whistle loudly goes
Wee ooh wee, wee ooh wee
All through the town
Firetruck, firetruck
Let's go and put out the fire
Go go go, go go go
Everything will be all right
Here comes the strongest firetruck
Its ladder lift high above
Up and up, up and up
To the highest windows
Firetruck, firetruck
Let's go and put out the fire
Go go go, go go go
Everything will be all right
Here comes the smartest firetruck
It sprays water with the fire hose
Splash splash, splash
to the burning fire
Firetruck, firetruck
Let's go and put out the fire
Go go go, go go go
Everything will be all right
00:00 Fire Truck
02:35 Wheels Go Round
05:44 Old Macdonald Had A Farm
08:56 Baby Dream
12:29 Wheels On The Bus
15:26 Share Is Caring
18:31 Wheels On The Bus
21:41 The Muffi Man
23:57 Five Little Duck
26:58 Take A Shower
30:48 Baby Shark
33:49 Five Little Ducks
37:12 Bath Song
🎧 Enjoy listening to music and Happy Singing!
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#NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #themuffinman #firetrucksong