00:14- When sharing the gospel with people or telling them about God, how do you balance the love of God with His righteous judgment in such a way that people understand His judgment as loving?
03:49- Where did the tradition of meeting in a building and listening to a pastor speak every week become the thing to do "be a good Christian?" Where in the Bible is that the model of Christianity? Did that come later where some King or ruler implemented that for their own benefit, or is it actually what Jesus wanted Christianity to look like?
06:27- My question is, do you see Catholics as “works based” as LDS and JW clearly and freely admit they are?
09:32- As we are in a fallen world that is full of sinners, WHY does God keep sending innocent souls to experience life here as a born sinner?
11:48- For someone like me who remembers before I was born, very vivid particular memories, which I now understand were apparently the Akashic records and reviewing the book of life, how does one have this memory/ experiences and meld into Christianity life? I have also seen spirits a couple of times. What's some advice you have for me?
● My Q&A Talking about evil:
● Mike Winger's Series about Catholicism:
● About Helena B:
●The Attributes of God:
●A Biblical definition of love:
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