You can pick up the final Scorn releases from Ohm Resistance here:
Mick Harris is returning this fall to release a new album under the monicker "Fret", and will be performing live at Berlin Atonal in August. You can find more details on his official Facebook page here:
0:00:00 - Almost Human
0:09:51 - Maker of Angels
0:17:12 - Scorpionic
0:22:53 - Geeked (Original)
0:30:18 - Get Up
0:35:26 - Wallpaper Dub
0:41:38 - Trap
0:46:42 - Tamper
0:51:34 - Beat 2 Version
0:56:23 - State of That
1:02:56 - Dreamscape (Unstable Sidereal Oneiroscopic Mix)