The Python 5000 Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine
has been delivered and deployed City-wide to attack potholes - one of the top concerns
voiced by residents. The Python 5000 is the only product on the market with multiple
functions, all-in-one, that a single employee can operate. The Python 5000 does the work
of a standard crew of three to quickly and efficiently repair potholes. An average-size
pothole can take between 30-40 minutes of manpower to repair, however the Python 5000
can typically complete the repair in under 5 minutes. While the Python 5000 operator is
focused on repairing smaller holes, our crews are out tackling the larger repairs to ensure
a smoother ride on our roads. Curious how the Python 5000 will work?
watch this video and see it at work.
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