Александринский театр – Петербургский театр, один из старейших драматических театров России, сохранившихся до нашего времени.
В 18 веке указом императрицы Елизаветы Петровны в Санкт-Петербурге основан первый постоянный русский публичный театр. С 1832 года театр стал называться Александринским. Название дали в честь супруги императора Николая Первого Александры Фёдоровны.
Полное официальное название — «Национальный драматический театр России (Александринский)».
Екатерининский сквер между Александринским театром и Невским проспектом был разбит в 1832 году. В центре сквера расположен памятник Екатерине Великой.
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The time-lapse was filmed with a webcam, which is installed opposite Ostrovsky Square. In the lens of the camera - the Alexandrinsky Theater and the monument to Catherine II.
Catherine Square between the Alexandrinsky Theater and Nevsky Prospekt was laid out in 1832. In the center of the square is a monument to Catherine the Great.
The Alexandrinsky Theatre or National Drama Theatre of Russia is a theatre in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The Alexandrinsky Theatre was built for the Imperial troupe of Petersburg (Imperial troupe was founded in 1756).
The theatre was opened on 31 August (12 September), 1832 (190 years ago).
Since 1832, the theatre has occupied an Empire-style building that Carlo Rossi designed. It was built in 1828–1832 on Alexandrinsky Square (now Ostrovsky Square), which is situated on Nevsky Prospekt between the National Library of Russia and Anichkov Palace. The theatre and the square were named after Empress consort Alexandra Feodorovna. The building is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments.
It was one of the many theatres of the Imperial troupe. Dramas, operas and ballets were on the stage. Only in the 1880s, the theatre has become dramatic and tragedy filled.
The premieres of numerous Russian plays have been performed at the stage of the Alexandrinsky, including plays by Alexandr Griboyedov, Alexander Ostrovsky, and Anton Chekhov. Famous directors who have staged work there include Vsevolod Meyerhold, Grigori Kozintsev, Georgy Tovstonogov, and Nikolay Akimov.
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