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If "The Flash" Had Lyrics [Parody]
Heading into Season 5, Ryan, this time dressed as The Flash's titular character, sings a song about the most ridiculous aspect of the hit CW superhero show - Barry and Iris's sibling love affair...
The Flash (Barry Allen) - Ryan Tellez
Kenny Keys - Brian Fisher
Written and Performed by Ryan Tellez
Music Produced by Paul Paramo -
Recorded by Danny Eldridge -
Directed by Michael Schroeder
Director of Photography - Michael Schmidt
Gaffer - Chris Reese
Makeup - Emila Black
Edited by Chance Cole
VFX by RomThirty -
Produced by David Odom and Brian Fisher
- The Warp Zone -
Michael Adams Davis - (instagr.am/teamdavisinsta)
Brian Fisher - (instagr.am/lifeofbrianfisher)
David Odom - (instagr.am/mr.spodom)
Michael Schroeder - (instagr.am/theschroeder)
Ryan Tellez - (instagr.am/tellezryan)
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