Mia tells how she decided to sing opera at the age of eighteen, how she started a punk rock venue/opera house, and meeting her husband/bandmate, Tom Dean.
Antler Family’s debut album came out early this year after a five year delay. It’s like if Crazy Horse played punk rock. There are so many surprises in there! Tom and Mia reveal a few alternate band names and I reveal the Youtube typo that COMPLETELY changes the meaning of one of their songs. Pick up the album wherever you get music, except Amazon. Maybe try Bandcamp or midheaven.com if you like vinyl. Follow their socials @antler_family. Follow the show @PerformanceAnx. Slide us a coffee at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety. Buy merch at performanceanx.threadless.com. And check out Mia Dean and Tom Flynn of Antler Family on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.