The frustration of being typecast in #Hollywood pushed actress Rita Moreno to shove open doors in other fields of entertainment in the 1960s and 1970s. Although she was an accomplished, Academy-Award-winning star, it was not enough to change the film industry's portrayals of people of color. But Moreno persevered and went on to become one of the world's most decorated entertainers and one of only three people to ever hold the title of #PEGOT.
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To learn more about the accomplishments of the many Latinxs who have contributed to this country, watch our new series HERSTORY, and ask your representative to support the creation of the Latino Museum, because it’s time U.S. history became a true reflection of ALL Americans. #latinomuseumnow
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Founded by Zoe Saldana, BESE's mission is to broaden and reshape the cultural narrative by shining light on the untold stories that reflect today’s America. We respect all identities and admire the people who have the courage to say, “this is who I am.”
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