Inspired by conversations and ideas brought to light while co-developing Suzanne Lacy: We Are Here with SFMOMA San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, YR Media, Youth Speaks, MediaJustice, Martin Luther King, Jr. Academic Middle School, Caleb Duarte and the eponymous artist, YBCA presents an afternoon convening that explores youth organizing, civic engagement, and social practice.
“Civic Engagement and Social Practice” features Suzanne Lacy, Caleb Duarte, and fellow social practice artist Gregory Sale (currently exhibiting in Future IDs at Alcatraz Island) discussing the role of social practice in communities and in art institutions. Moderated by curator Liz Thomas, they explore the origins of their own artistic practice, the issues facing social practice today, the motivations and challenges of exhibiting social practice art, and how artists can create social change and for what audiences.
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